Itchy dog paws home remedy for you
As a pet lover, you are going to need an effective itchy dog paws home remedy whenever you detect your dog leaking it’s feet. There are usually six reasons why dogs leak their feet. Allergic reactions to food, pollen dust etc, can cause irritation and itchiness. Another reason is because of bacteria or fungus infections. To make matters worse, the constant leaking may result in excessive moisture on the feet that worsens the condition.
Injury such as cuts and thorns can also cause irritations that compel your dog to leak its paws. Sometimes, dry skin also contributes to paw leaking.
Pets are not immune to fleas, mites, and teaks so when the paws are affected, they have no choice but to leak.
However, most of the times the causes of paw leaking are mainly because of stress, boredom and anxiety. When they don’t have anything to do, they tend to leak their paws.
When you see your pet in this action, observe it carefully and determine the cause and apply the right itchy dog paws home remedy that is needed for relief.
Here are some of the dog remedies you can apply:
Itchy Dog Paws Home Remedy for Allergic Reaction
- Add a little water to Cornstarch to create a mixture. Apply it to the paws gently as a soothing remedy.
- Here is another interesting natural remedy. Run the inside of a ripe banana skin on the paws of your dog to bring down the itching.
- Do not forget about the inflammatory properties of Peppermint oil. Mix some with water or base oil and apply the paws to reduce the itching.
- Sometimes, moisturize your pet’s feet with organic coconut oil to reduce the itching.
- When you cook some rice, don’t throw the water away. Use it to wrap your dog's irritated paws as a remedy.
In Case Of Injury
- One native American home remedy is Cederwood Essential Oil with a carrier oil massaged into the paws of the dog to minimize the itching.
- Do remember Marshmellow root powder. Add some water to it to make a paste and apply to the paws for soothing.
- A blend of honey and coconut oil contain antibacterial components that not only keep the paws healthy, but also discourage the dog from licking them.
Itchy Dog Paws Home Remedy for infections.
- An interesting remedy that can help reduce the paws from itching is Golden Seal powder. A little application limits the skin irritation.
- This method is mainly practiced by Asians but it can be done here too. A paste made of Tumeric and water applied to the feet of the dog also helps because of its inflammatory effects. One thing though, Tumeric powder is yellowish and you will have to find a way of keeping these paws from your carpet.
- Just add a few drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle full of water and spray it to the affected area to attack the fungus.
- Apply some of these remedies above to the paws and wrap them in Home made socks to avoid the dog leaking the paws.
If Your Dog’s Skin Is Dry
- Remember to use original Shea butter which is yellowish in color for moisturizing your pet’s foot. It protects it from cracking and dryness.
- Do not use processed shea butter because it losses the cinnamic acid (anti inflammatory substance) needed for dry skin treatment.
Itchy Dog Paws Home Remedy For Dog Parasites
- One easy itchy dog paws home remedy for dealing with pests like fleas, and teaks is food-grade diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle this on the coat and bedding to antagonize the pests without harming the dog.
- The citric acid in lemon oil repels dog parasites like fleas. Place some lemon slices in about two cups of water, boil it and spray on the paws for relief.
- You may also spray neem oil diluted in water on the paws for its anti-parasitic properties to repel pests.
Anxiety and stress remedies
- Do you know you can spray your dog’s area with a few drops of lavender essential oil in a diffuser to create a sense of calming environment to reduce your dogs anxiety?
- Your dog may need to be stimulated with a lot of exercise, toys, and playtime including regular walking to reduce stress and boredom. When your canine friend is full of these, all it will need is a good rest.
- Do you know dogs love therapy too? Do stroke their paws to release tension and anxiety and to calm its nerves and reduce the urge to leak.
Itchy dog paws home remedy is the first step of confronting this kind of dog behavior. These simple causes can easily be resolved with do-it-yourself remedies. However if you notice the situation is increasing, you may need to see a vet.